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vector graphics

Vector graphics

vector graphics are those made by adobe drawings are made by illustrator

In physics a vector is a representation of both a quantity and a direction at the same time. in vector graphics, the file that results from a graphic artists work is created and saved as a sequences of vector statement. for example , instead of containing a bit in the file for each bit of line drawing, a vector graphic file describes a series of points to be result is much smaller file.

a vector file is sometimes called geometric file.Most of images created with tools such as Adobe illustrator and CorelDraw are in the form of vector image files.Vector images are easier to modify than raster image files.Animation images are also usually created as vector files.

its a simple vector graphics which is made by illustrator.

Now the image is converted to digital drawing are here you can see the highlights and shadows.

in above image a girl sitting on chair catching some tea cup here look at the drawing which is made by digitally her leg is perspective and her back is little bend and her hands are in straight and the shoes are in perspectively matched.

>> shoes with shadows

here you can see the shadows and highlights of the image and also a prospectively matched.its all about color combination in which where their is light you should take a bright color and where is shadow you should take dark color everything about how you use colors. 


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